General Disclaimer

This is website that is allowed on those countries where gambling is a legal business. We have the list of some websites that are built by the laws of their countries and they always bound to their laws. Following the laws is the main criteria for every person that visits this website and if anyone does anything to violate their regional laws by using or visiting this website then that will be the responsibility for that person only.

This is a website that can be accessed from any country of this world through internet because there is no country without an internet connection in this world, so people from those countries where gambling is illegal and people from United States where laws about online gambling is too tough are also allowed to visit this website.

We can't control the access of our website from a restricted region so if you are visiting for a restricted region then the responsibility will be yours for your activity. You can't use the services and offers of our listed websites if you are from a restricted region so you have to keep in mind that.

You have to be the age 18 or higher for world gambling rules and if you region has 21 or higher age to start gambling then you must have that age to visit our website. If you encounter your problem with gambling and if you do not have the age to comply for gambling then we are suggesting you to avoid our website peacefully.

Usually, gambling is for fun only so if you take this matter seriously and lose something you had then that will be your responsibility we will not be liable for that.


You must agree with the disclaimers while visiting our website and always have fun while playing but never afford something that you can't lose.